Architect / Designer:
Bruno Munari once said that to complicate things is easy, while to simplify things is very hard. Achille Castiglioni was convinced that the designer should delete, delete, delete and at the end find the core aspect of the design. Flatiron comes from the combination of this two references. A simple metal sheet with just one fold that encases the light source. The challenge has been to reduce the project to the minimum amount of elements.
The combination of the world of origami and the world of architecture is what is at the base of Flatiron family. The name itself has two meaning. First is a reference to the famous building in Manhattan with a triangular shape. Than explains how the first concept was made, starting from a simple flat sheet of iron. We then changed the material and started using aluminum. This is because we wanted Flatiron family to be as sustainable as possible.
Recyclable an recycled materials, reduced number of components, easy to assemble and disassemble, green finishes and low consumption / high efficiency light source are the key factors that make Flatiron a reference for sustainability for this category.
MrSmith Studio
MrSmith Studio is a Milan based design studio active since 2004. The holistic approach to the project based on the “design thinking” method allows the Studio to thrive in all ventures, satisfying the innovation needs of clients from a variety of fields. The Studio members’ different backgrounds and skills contributed to build a team able to face with enthusiasm and different points of view every new project. Curiosity, elegance, meaning and approachability are elements of the synthetic design process to which the Studio is committed and appreciated for. Despite the strong brand identity, the Studio’s mission is to empathize with the client, motivate it and lead it to success.