Happy Meal

Architect / Designer:
Design Team:
Model: Wendy Wu
The inspiration for this collection came from my paternal figure, whose expressions of affection were somewhat limited. In my recollections of childhood, my father was often engrossed in social engagements, returning home inebriated only as I neared slumber. Yet, his pockets consistently harbored treasures. At times, it was a morsel of chocolate, occasionally a sachet of crisps, and during the summer, even ice cream! Although often melted by the time they reached me. Mom would always complain about Dad, saying I had already brushed my teeth, and these things weren’t good for my health, but I knew it was all my dad’s silent love for me.
The collection of Happy Meals encompasses fast food and snacks, albeit detrimental to one’s well-being; however, intermittent indulgence invariably evokes a sense of contentment. Perhaps the looks from the collection aren’t suitable for everyday wear, but when you put it on, you’re sure to be happy too.