Grizzetti Galoppo by

Architect / Designer:
Design Team:
The fascinating world of thoroughbreds.
The history of Grizzetti Galoppo
begins in 1989. Bruno Grizzetti, trainer
and owner of few but very successful
race horses in important races in Italy.
Today Grizzetti Galoppo is a
worldwide operating racing stable with
meanwhile more than 3500 victories in
all big races. And 3 Derby winners.
As a great horse lover, Bruno’s heart
beats for his beloved horses and he
doesn’t give much thought to marketing.
«But good marketing is scratching
before it bites!*»
Because in many sports – and in horse
racing in particular – everyone should
be happy about a victory.
First the wonderful creature horse.
Hypersensitive and equipped with a
unique sensorium to distinguish when
it spreads joy all around. A victory.
for the trainer, the owner, the groom,
the feed master. For the account,
the organizer, the family and finally
the stable master, who expects his
victorious darling back just as healthy
and satisfied as always.
Even without victory!
The main strategy, objective and
target group.
The main strategy, objective and
target group.
The Grizzetti Galoppo campaign is aimed
at a broad, interested public with a certain affinity
for horses and sport in general.
It aims to promote the attractiveness of this sport
and events and to sensitize people to participate.
A rather unusual campaign, since in this area the
marketing and advertising measures are very
much neglected.
In Italy, the racehorse sport has a high status.
Well over 4000 races a year.
Unfortunately, many “ippodromi” in Italy are
struggling to survive.
I hope, together with Bruno Grizzetti, to make
a small contribution to the reactivation of this
beautiful sport, and it is legitimate that Grizzetti
Galoppo also has its own interests.
The all in one package.
The campaign is a whole package of actions:
1. The digital/print campaign for use in special
interest magazines, print media, posters, website
and social media.
2. The offer to experience the racehorses
live in Grizzetti’s own luxury B&B and
Frankie Dettori* Villa.
The added values.
JOY TO STAY offers the opportunity to
experience the racehorses live on the paddocks
surrounding the B&B and the Villa Dettori.
Both accommodation options are already in
operation and are now offered internationally.
The campaign.
The campaign shows my original
pictures of thoroughbreds,
which I could photograph
in many “shootings” on location
from 2020 – 2023.
Not a “one shot campaign”, but a
campaign that can be supplemented at
any time over the next period with
ever new subjects and content.
JOY TO WIN is not only a “theme”
for the people around the wonderful
creature horse, but also for the creative
of the campaign, who has read all the
important books by and about Tesio
and integrated the most important
statements into this campaign.
Thank YOU.