
Fearon Hay’s Te Arai Beach House, A Coastal Timber Home Along The Shores Of New Zealand

The exterior design, a pair of pale, gabled timber sheds amidst the dunes, references the timber working sheds found in and around rural New Zealand. “The buildings are sited to create an occupation against the dune edge that feels relaxed and timeless,” explains the firm to IGNANT. “Together with the timber cladding and roof, the material will age and silver over time, integrating the buildings with the landscape.” Positioned between the two buildings is an outdoor fire and an area for seating, encouraging outdoor living.

The house is layered with sliding timber shutters that moderate natural light, fresh air, and privacy. The use of timber is continued on the inside of the home, bringing together the building as a whole and blurring interior-exterior. A deep reddish color, the interior timber is oiled to provide warmth as a subtle counter to the more pale outside. Sloping and flat ceilings provide both intimate and voluminous spaces. The sophisticated, contemporary interior was a collaboration with designer Sonja Hawkins.

Source: Ignant